Damn, back in the day

Write about your first computer, was when.. Back in the day Well, I got my first computer when my Grandma was upgrading in the late 90s. The 1990s. When AOL was a disk and everyone was on MySpace. I loved that site, Zuckerberg had it so we could have a meeting room and deny peopleContinue reading “Damn, back in the day”

Read? 😆 🤣

What books do you want to read? I listen much more than I read. I am older and flatly I was fully invested in kindle. Before that hardbacks or paper. Loved the second hand book stores, they were my favorite. My tastes have kinda changed over the years. When I was younger I loved horror,Continue reading “Read? 😆 🤣”

Alvin. No, not the…

Describe an item you were incredibly attached to as a youth. What became of it? Chipmunk. It was actually a bald cabbage patch kid. It was my last forya into that realm. I lost him because my ex husband didn’t listen to me when I told him to pack 4 boxes of my childhood inContinue reading “Alvin. No, not the…”


What are your thoughts on the concept of living a very long life? Dependent upon criteria. The criteria is not so much based on physical components. If someone is a bad human. Predominantly selfish and hateful. I don’t think longevity is beneficial for society. There is an episode of criminal minds or law and order,Continue reading “Dependant.”

Oh hell no!! A Christmas wish.

Is your life today what you pictured a year ago? I got at least one degree and certification coming from Northwestern. I have not fully run into the actualization of this yet. I am unsure what I want, except that I believe that it involves my former work with Volunteer America. As a Kellogg Fellow,Continue reading “Oh hell no!! A Christmas wish.”

People suck.

I went to pick up a Christmas present for someone in my life. In an area of town I usually do not drive in. I got my gift and was happily headed home. I had to slow down due to a curb. As I came out of the turn I saw a BEAUTIFUL black dog.Continue reading “People suck.”

To be.

What’s the biggest risk you’d like to take — but haven’t been able to? To fully become me. I am still stumbling through. Still feeling tinges of jealousy. Watching things happen and wondering how or why. I know intellectually that what appears to be the problem is more a matter of elevation. The higher viewpoint.Continue reading “To be.”