No one, why?

Who is your favorite historical figure? Well, as it turns out, through the annals of time, it lets everyone’s secrets out. I mean , let’s pick Mother Theresa. It has been shown that more people died painfully under her care due to the fact she just wanted converts to the Catholic philosophy.  Schindler, well, heContinue reading “No one, why?”

A small change

What’s one small improvement you can make in your life? Well, it would be to stop everything and admire something or someone. No expectations on anything. To literally just in a moment of admiration  for something someone, a bird flying past. A  simple reaction  a fleeting moment. I have found it can bring peace toContinue reading “A small change”

Gardening and being in the dirt.

When do you feel most productive? My most productive feeling is from clearing an area for flowers and food plants. I  allow myself to cry even as I dig. I have calluses on my hands from it. I have bruises on my legs from it. Yet, as I watch my plants come up and bearContinue reading “Gardening and being in the dirt.”

A movie, well, let me count the ways.

If you could be a character from a book or film, who would you be? Why? It is a Meryl Streep character, before she went crazy of course. She plays a heroic soul. I was pre-teens when it came out. Any Gen X mind is clicking, right now. Sorry for that. Anyway, her role isContinue reading “A movie, well, let me count the ways.”

Keep it to myself.

You get some great, amazingly fantastic news. What’s the first thing you do? It’s amazing how much this question pinged something inside me. I learned with  the mother I have that sharing good news is never a good thing. First, it causes everyone, well not everyone but jealous people, a way too wantonly destroy it.Continue reading “Keep it to myself.”