
What activities do you lose yourself in?

Doesn’t matter the time of year either. I enjoy watching a plant grow into a new pot. I love shaping my plants. It isn’t about control. It’s about the touching of the soil. It’s about the studies that show plants communicate with each other. For me it’s all of that and the intangible feeling of witnessing life. I have lost a lot of money in this non stop obsession. 

Crazy amounts if counted over my 40-plus years of casual gardening.  Yet, on a bad day, nothing settles more easily than looking after my indoor jungle. I have lived all over the United States, both coasts and in the middle, as well. I have always enjoyed spring. Even when I have failed to keep them alive due to animal interference, misjudement of the amount of light, and even neglect. Which is just life being life. Plus I have been on a learning journey.  How long things will live is more important to me then looks.

No shame in my game, though. One thing I must say, that no one says out loud anyway. Is there are always a conflict with Gardners and our ability to realize that there are some plants that do not like the people who love them. Same with people, sometimes it’s a marriage made in hell.

Published by Christina Allen

just the love of words

One thought on “Gardening

  1. Cute euphemisms and analogies…I planted the seed of an orange I consumed last month…Guess what? it is now 2″ tall and smiling at me! Dee Tezelli, author of 24+eBooks/Paperbacks on Amazon Kindle NOW. Try a few.

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