No one, why?

Who is your favorite historical figure?

Well, as it turns out, through the annals of time, it lets everyone’s secrets out. I mean , let’s pick Mother Theresa. It has been shown that more people died painfully under her care due to the fact she just wanted converts to the Catholic philosophy.  Schindler, well, he was never honest and was quite the crook. Lincoln was more driven by patriotic ferver and a preference of one nation than it was about human rights. Linburg was a rabid racist who believed in eugenics. Tesla was a brilliant nutbag of mixed veriteties. Most philosophy heroes held some really messed up beliefs as well. Now, I do believe that it is better to pick certain attributes of people than actual people. We, as species, all have our dramas and traumas. They affect everything.  So I can not pick a single one. We live in a society that is influenced by AI, who knows what will be said of us besides the fact that we are leaving an indelible mark. One that will not be ever be fully erased unless we encounter another Carrington event ( a flare from the sun that overloads and wipes out life on this planet as we know it now). I say we need the kindness to treat one another. Treat them with the same live and let live attitude. Not pointing fingers or weapons at each other. Keeping our side of the street clean, worrying about what we leave behind. Stop emotionally devastating each other for hell of it. So no, there is not one person who I could with a clear conscious could point to and say I look up to them, especially when given the truth.

Published by Christina Allen

just the love of words

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